Break the Chains of Addiction – Recovery Coaching Services
Can’t Get in Treatment Because a Drug Warrant?
Get Help Resolving Drug Warrants, Posting Drug Bail Bonds, and Getting Accepted into a Treatment Program
Do you have a loved one that is struggling with alcohol and/or drug addiction and you are concerned about whether it is in their best interest to bond them out?
Connecticut Bail Bonds Group is concerned with more than just getting you or your loved one out of jail, we want to see our clients overcome obstacles in their life. If alcohol and/or drug addiction has contributed to you or your loved ones incarceration, please call us to discuss options. We collaborate with several treatment and supported housing facilities throughout the state and would be more than happy to assist in referrals and linkages to a higher level of care beyond the gate.
We are highly experienced in helping our clients resolve drug warrants and offer easy payment options for all drug bail bonds.
Get a free consultation now!
Ready for a Change? We Want to Help
Connecticut Bail Bonds is proud to announce that Sheila Sanchez is the first bondsman in Connecticut to receive her CCAR Recovery Coach Academy Certificate.
What is recovery coaching?
Recovery coaching is a reputable evidence-based practice of delivering peer recovery support services. The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy, developed by the Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) and facilitated by CCAR trainers, is a 30-hr globally recognized training for those interested in serving as a recovery coach. As the most recognized and respected training program for peer-based recovery coaching, the Academy is designed for people interested in guiding individuals into and through long-term recovery from alcohol and/or drug addiction.
How will recovery coaching help me be a better bondsman and better serve my clients?
The Academy has prepared Sheila Sanchez and the Connecticut Bail Bonds Group to serve as a valued resource to the individuals that we serve, their loved ones, and our local communities. It has also provided the skills needed to access vital recovery resources within the community. Because it is founded on a philosophy of “meeting people where they are”, this program has taught Sheila how to support the recovery of anyone challenged by addiction.
Recovery coaching is future-focused. As a bondsman and a recovery coach, Sheila helps people focus on increasing their motivation, identifying and creating a plan to reach their goals, and assists them to develop a plan to remove barriers to their recovery. Sheila possesses a skillset to actively listen to the individual and their loved ones, normalize feelings, and provide a strengths-based approach for a more fulfilling future.