How To Post Bail In Hartford, CT After An Arrest Has Been Made

Hartford CT Bail Posting

Posting Bail In Hartford Connecticut 

When an individual is arrested for a particular crime, he or she will be allowed to post bail with a court of law in order to be released from police custody pending the outcome of the trial. If you need to learn the process of posting bail bonds in Hartford, or statewide in Connecticut, read on to learn how bail works.

This is generally known as posting bail. However, there’re some ways to post bail. The judge has the power to set different types of bail for an individual in jail. Below are some types of bail payments acceptable in Hartford CT:

1. Cash Payment For Immediate Bail 

 In most cases, bail is a set amount of money that the defendant must pay for him or her to get out of jail. This amount isn’t fixed and will widely vary depending on the severity of crime done. 

2. Signature Bond’s

This is an alternative kind of bond which allows an individual who has been arrested to go out of jail without paying money for bail. If the court judge allows this type of bond, the arrested person will leave the jail without paying anything provided that he or she signs a document stating his or her presence for any required hearings or court dates. However, in some cases, a small amount will be required alongside the defendant’s signature. 

3. Property bond

 It allows a person in jail to use the deed to property that he or she owns, their family or even friends as security to ensure that one returns to court for case hearings later. Property bonds are less common in Hartford. 

What happens after arrest in Hartford?

After being arrested for committing a certain crime in Hartford CT, you’ll first be taken to a local police station and be booked in for arrest. During the booking process, your photograph, fingerprints, and other personal information will be taken. After that, you’ll be held in a cell awaiting case hearing with the judge regarding your trail. However, if in any case you’ve been arrested on a Friday or a weekend, it’s likely that you’ll remain in the cell until Monday when court business runs as usual. After your case hearing has been scheduled, you’ll be taken to court typically in a van or bus. During the preliminary hearing process, the judge will offer you the chance to post bail to secure your release pending the outcome of the trial. However, depending on the severity and nature of the crime committed, accompanied by the previous criminal history, the opportunity to post bail can be denied by the judge altogether. 

Hartford CT, Bail Schedule 

You’ll find out that judges base their bail amounts off of the Bail schedule which is typically a document that is produced annually to give a guideline for different bail amounts depending on the crimes. Also, the bail schedule provides the maximum as well as the minimum bail costs for different crimes.

Hire A Bail Bondsman 

If you get the opportunity to post bail, it will be processed via a bail bonds agent or bail bondsman. However, in Hartford CT a bail bondsman isn’t allowed to determine the amount they’re charging.  However, they receive only 10% of the bail amount due to the services they offer. After being released on bail, it doesn’t mean that you of the charges filed against you.  You’ll still be required to appear to court on certain dates, and you may be sentenced to jail immediately after the conclusion of trials depending on the outcome.  Before getting any bail bond agent, ensure that you check for their identification and license so that you can be sure that you’re working with legitimate people.  Also, don’t forget to take all the receipts and copies of the signed documents. Apart from this, you can check if the bail bondsman has got any kind of payment plan to offer.  Most bail bondsmen offer payment option plans with respect to your credit history. As there are multiple bail bond misconceptions, it is important to make sure you vet out your bondsman to ensure you and your family is working with a trusted advisor. 

Skipping Court Dates 

If one skips the required court date after being released on bail, the responsibility of appearing to the court lies to the bails bondsman and the defendant. In this case, the bondsman won’t receive any commission until the trial is over and the defendant is cleared or sentenced to charges. Due to this, the bail bonds company will contract a bounty hunter in order to apprehend the bail jumper to ensure their appearance in a court of law and trial conclusion. 

In Conclusion 

If you or a loved one has been arrested in Hartford county, start by contacting a trusted Hartford Bail Bonds company. Connecticut Bail Bonds Group will ensure you’re released and back with your loved ones quickly. We service the greater Hartford area but also service Connecticut as a whole. Contact a trusted Hartford Bail Bonds group today and get your loved one, back home. You can also learn more about the Connecticut Bail Bonds Group here


Connecticut Bail Bonds Group

11 Asylum St, Suite 512

Hartford, CT 06103, USA

(860) 420-2245

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