The History of Bail in Connecticut

hands in handcuffs

Bail is an important part of any country. It is an essential part of the criminal justice system of our country. Whenever you have a problem with the law and get arrested, you can bail out of jail until your trial starts. If you’re in the state, look into Connecticut bail bonds for help. Not all crimes get the opportunity of paying bail, especially felonies and cases when the defendant has not shown up to court before. Click to learn more about our bail out of jail providers.

Relevant Cases from Connecticut Regarding Bail

Connecticut is an important state, not only because we are considered the constitution state but we have had cases that have been the foundation of many bail statutes and regulations. These cases are Nicolls Vs. Ingersoll and Taylor Vs. Taintor. Bail Bondsmen have received a power that over their bondee and also the creation of Bail Enforcement Agents appeared.  

The First Important Case Regarding Bail in Connecticut

The first case we mentioned is Nicolls Vs. Ingersoll happened in 1803. Nicolls got arrested in Connecticut and requested a bail bondsman to cover the bail. Nicolls went back to his home in New York. Ingersoll, who was hired by the bail bondsman, arrived at his home and requested to enter. Nicolls did not let him enter his home. Ingersoll returned with two other men and entered without authorization. He arrested him and brought him back to Connecticut to the court. 

Nicolls claimed that the agent that the bail bondsman hired use excessive force and did not have the right to apprehend him in his own home. That is why he filed a lawsuit for false imprisonment, trespassing, assault, and battery. In the end, the jury ruled in favor of Ingersoll, and proved that bail needs to be protected,

This became a big deal for bail not only in Connecticut but in the whole country that even the Supreme Court ratified this situation in 1810. The jury of this case ruled in favor of the bail bondsman and established that the relationship between these two is contractual. The jury practically gave its approval to hire a Bail Enforcement Agent to arrest the bondee in the name of the bail bondsman. Furthermore, the power of arrest was in any state in the country.

The Second Relevant Case Regarding Bail in Connecticut

In the second case of Taylor Vs. Taintor which happened in 1866, Edward Mcguire was arrested for grand larceny. He got a bail bond for worth $8,000.00, then he returned to his home in New York. Nobody knew he had an arrest warrant for a crime committed in Maine. Therefore Main authorities requested his extradition from New York. He was extradited and charged with burglary. He was found guilty and got a sentence of fifteen years in 1987. This means that Mcguire was not presented to the Connecticut court and the bond was requested. The bondsmen claimed that Mcguire was not failing to be presented in court but was legally imprisoned in Maine. The ruling was not in favor of the bondsman but it did establish the power of bondsmen to arrest and present a bondee before the court. 

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Connecticut Bail Bonds Group

11 Asylum St, Suite 512 Hartford, CT 06103

(860) 420-2245

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