Courts are Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays in Connecticut

Connecticut Court closed

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, daily life has been completely turned upside down for a lot of individuals and families. With lock downs and quarantines becoming a norm, the functioning of the police and the courts has also changed. For starters, getting arrested in Connecticut is now less pleasant than it ever was. Just like restaurants and small businesses have closed down, courts have also gone on a hiatus. Even the services of many bail bonds agents have been limited. But what does this mean for your legal rights and how much time might you have to spend behind bars if you are arrested? 

Impact of Coronavirus on Courts

Getting arrested during this pandemic may be the most unpleasant thing. As the coronavirus spread across states, many judges in Connecticut closed their doors to prevent the spread of the novel virus. In Connecticut, courts are now closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This means that the legal process of getting the offender to trial has slowed down. At the same time, the process of CT bail bonds approvals has also slowed down. If you get an arrest, you are more likely to spend more time in jail before the bond gets approved. 

What the Slow Down During COVID-19 Means For Legal Cases

A slower legal system means that hearings get canceled and prisoners in jail remain at a higher risk. Even as the majority of the population self-isolate, the same cannot be applied to those in jail. In an era where social distancing is becoming a norm, those in jail cannot practice the same. Jails and prisons are open locations, which can easily turn into a breeding ground for the Coronavirus. Although most jails are taking all the necessary measures, the open settings of these facilities can easily allow the spread of the virus if a single case is reported. 

But Our Connecticut Bail Bond Services are Always Open

It’s pretty clear that no one wants to spend time behind bars in normal circumstances, let alone during a pandemic in which they may be at an increased risk of exposure by remaining in jail. The best thing to do is to find ways to avoid getting arrested during a pandemic. But there are some things that you just can’t prevent. This is why our bail bonds services are available 24/7. We all want to know that our loved ones are safe and well. What better place for us to guarantee their safety than by helping to bring them home. Our team of bail bonds agents is constantly working to meet the needs of our clients and bail them out as soon as possible. 

Contact Us Now

Even with COVID-19, our bail bondsmen are open to serve you at any time. We have taken every necessary precaution to ensure the safety of our employees and customers. If you are in need of a CT bail bondsman during this difficult time, please contact us today for expedited support.

Connecticut Bail Bonds Group
11 Asylum St, Suite 512
Hartford, CT 06103, USA
(860) 420-2245

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