Connecticut police have released a statement announcing the start of a police warrant roundup, effective next week on April 27th, 2022. Connecticut police troops have often run warrant roundups in the past, finding them an effective way of closing out old – and often substantial – warrants throughout the state. Facing a backlog of cases from the pandemic, CT police are ready to take action.
If you suspect that you or a loved one has an active warrant for arrest, you can’t afford to wait one more minute to act; here’s how a bail agent in CT can help you, and what you need to know about Connecticut’s latest attempt at cutting down on warrants.
What Is A Warrant Roundup
The term “warrant roundup” is derived informally from Texas, where locals used to hold cattle roundup competitions. In more recent years, legal and legislative institutes in the state have deemed it an appropriate moniker for what is an annual, statewide event. The warrant roundup practice has been expanding into other states, in part due to the results that previous law enforcement has reported.
Specific Cases Impacted By The Warrant Roundup
While police officers throughout Connecticut are gearing up to bring in ANY individuals with an open warrant for arrest, there are a few cases in particular to be aware of that are the cause of recent changes to legislation in the bail bonds industry.
Warrants Impacted By COVID Changes
COVID-19 brought numerous changes to the state in the last two years, including changing the bail bonds process and judicial processes for many. Cancellations in in person court appearances, delays in hearings and sentencing, and relaxed reporting protocols have all been leading to a steady uptick in the number of active warrants across the state. Whether it is individuals who have a new warrant due to recent parole violations, or offenders who have moved without updating the judge in their case, the fact remains that Connecticut police stand to see an increase in arrests in the coming weeks thanks to the statewide warrant roundup starting the final week of April.
Recurring changes and delays in court proceedings, hearings, and in person meetings with legal representation over the last 2 years have left many warrant holders without a clear line of action when it comes to adhering to warrants and avoiding arrest.
10% Bail Bond Holders
Just weeks before the first reported COVID case in the US, Connecticut enacted a change to their bail bonds laws, introducing the automatic 10% case bond. 10% cash bonds are available to most individuals with a bond amount set at $20,000 or less, and allow recipients or their loved ones to take on the role of bondsman on their own. By putting up a cash amount equal to 10% of the total bond fee, users of this service would be able to get out of jail without the need for regular check-ins or enforcement of court dates from a bondsman.
Some individuals who took advantage of the 10% bond option since early 2020 have not kept up with their court appearances or alerted the proper authorities to changes in their living situations, such as a move. While recent events have allowed many of these individuals to slide under the radar, the upcoming Connecticut Warrant Roundup is expected to see a number of these individuals returned to court custody where they will await further sentencing.
Do I Have A Warrant?
The first thing that local residents need to consider is ‘Do I Have An Active Warrant In Connecticut?’ If you aren’t sure of the answer, a warrant search or call to local law enforcement will help you know for sure.
If you DO have active warrants, don’t wait, call a bondsman now! The right help can go a long way; the experts at Connecticut Bail Bonds Group have worked closely with local law enforcement for years and are able to act as your liaison when it comes to handling your bail and clearing your warrants.
Avoid Arrest During The Connecticut Warrant Roundup - Call Connecticut Bail Bonds Group Today
Don’t wait to be arrested; IF YOU HAVE AN ACTIVE WARRANT, CALL CONNECTICUT BAIL BONDS GROUP TODAY AT 1-800-522-4534! Even if you have taken the 10% bond option, we can still give you the knowledge and insight that you need to clear your warrants and avoid an arrest.
You have nothing to lose when you reach out to a bondsman. We offer bail for a wide variety of situations – like DUI bail bonds, assault bail bonds, and parole violation bail bonds – and we are confident that we can help you. With affordable bail bonds options like financing and payment plans, our bonding services are the easy alternative to an arrest.